- Componentes:
Frank (17), Rick Healey
- Género: Hardcore
- Smakin' You Up
- As One
- Short Fuse
- Da Low Down
- Smakin' You Up
- As One
- Short Fuse
- Da Low Down
- Wise To Da Game
- Refocus
- Over The Years
- Bullet For Every Enemy
- The Next Level
- Friendship, Loyalty, Commitment
- Positive Hardcore GO!
- Backfire
- Hardcore Rules
- Pain is Temporary
- Let The Past Be The Past
- Took my Kindness, For Weakness
- Loyal to Da Grave
- Turning Point
- Absence of Sincerity
- Loose Wit Da Truth
Friendship, Loyalty, Commitment
(1999) -
Strength Through Unity: The Spirit Remains - EP