- Período de Actividad: 2001 - Heute
- Componentes:
Joe Shrewsbury, Paul Wolinski, Rob Jones, Simon Wright
- Género: Electronic
- Destructivist
- Tiger Girl
- Ophelia Remix
- It's Guy Time (I Don't Mind)
- Destructivist
- Tiger Girl
- Ophelia Remix
- It's Guy Time (I Don't Mind)
- Hole
- Born Apart
- 2412
- Safe Passage
- Unmake The Wild Light
- Taipei
- Sleepwalk City
- Blackspots
- The Undertow
- Prisms
- Heat Death Infinity Splitter
- Debutante
- Go Complex
- Come To Me
- Weak4
- Piano Fights
Wild Light
(2013) -
We Were Exploding Anyway