- Nombre Real: Anne Charlotte Clark
- Género: Electronic , 80s
The Moment
Pandoras Box
Windmills of Your Mind
The Windmills of Your Mind
- The Moment
- Pandoras Box
- Windmills of Your Mind
- The Windmills of Your Mind
- Sleeper in Metropolis [Sleepers Revenge Mix by Sven Vaeth & Ralf Hilden
- Sleeper in Metropolis [Short Cut]
- Sleeper in Metropolis [*]
- Sitting Room
- Short Story [Party Mix]
- Short Story Party Mix
- Shades
- Our Darkness [*]
- Last Emotion
- Interruption
- Ice, Moving [Instrumental]
- Homecoming
- White Silence
- Weltschmerz
- Wallies
- Up