The Sheik of Araby
You Took Advantage of Me
When My Sugar Walks Down the Street
When It's Sleepy Time Down South [DVD]
- The Sheik of Araby
- You Took Advantage of Me
- When My Sugar Walks Down the Street
- When It's Sleepy Time Down South [DVD]
- Tiger Rag
- Sweet Lorraine [DVD]
- Sweet Lorraine
- St. James Infirmary [DVD]
- St. James Infirmary
- Someone to Watch over Me
- Rose Room [DVD]
- Once in a While [DVD]
- Lover, Come Back to Me
- When It's Sleepy Time Down South
- Three Little Words
- St. Louis Blues
- Oh, Susannah
- Oh, Lady Be Good
- Keepin' out of Mischief Now
- It's the Talk of the Town