When You're Smiling
Over the Rainbow [Live]
Younger Than Springtime
- When You're Smiling
- Over the Rainbow [Live]
- Bewitched
- Younger Than Springtime
- You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To [Alternate Take][*]
- You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To
- You Go to My Head [Alternate Take][#]
- You Go to My Head the Soloists
- You Go to My Head
- Without a Song
- When You're Smiling [Live]
- When You're Smiling [#]
- These Foolish Things [Alternate Take][*]
- These Foolish Things [Alternate Take][#]
- These Foolish Things
- The Shadow of Your Smile [Released Only in Japan][Live]
- The Shadow of Your Smile
- The Man I Love [*]
- The Man I Love
- The Girl from Ipanema