- Nombre Real: Axel Hedfors
- Género: Electronic
- Waiting For So Long (Gloria)
- High Energy
- Together
- Nobody Else
- Barricade
- Nothing But Love [Remode Version] [Version]
- Nothing But Love [Remode Remix]
- Nothing But Love [Remade]
- Nothing But Love [Radio Edit] [Edit]
- Nothing But Love [Classix Mix]
- Nothing But Love [Classic Mix]
- Nothing but Love [Axwell & Errol Reid] [Version]
- Leave the World Behind
- I Found You [Instrumental]
- Feel the Vibe [Instrumental][Mix]
- Feel the Vibe [Instrumental Club Mix][Instrumental]
- Feel the Vibe (Til the Morning Comes) [Radio Edit]
- Feel the Vibe (Til the Morning Comes) [Kurtis Mantronik Club Mix]
- Feel the Vibe (til the Morning Comes) [Instrumental Club Mix] [Instrume
- Feel The Vibe (Til The Morning Comes) [DVD][Alternate Take][*]