- Componentes:
Derrick Jones, DJ Scott La Rock, Dwayne Sumal, Jamal Mitchell, Kenny Parker, Lawrence Krisna Parker, Levi 167,
Ms. Melodie, Pamela Scott, Red Alert, Sidney Mills, Willie D (2)
- Género: Hip hop
- Black Cop
- 100 Guns
- Jimmy
- Ya Strugglin'
- Black Cop
- 100 Guns
- Jimmy
- Ya Strugglin'
- Ya Know the Rules
- World Peace
- Word from Our Sponsor [Instrumental]
- Word from Our Sponsor [Album Instrumental Version] [Instrumental][Versi
- Who Protects Us from You?
- Who Are the Pimps?
- We in There
- The Style You Haven't Done Yet
- The Real Holy Place
- The Racist
- The Original Way
- The Kenny Parker Show
- The Homeless
- The Bridge Is Over [Instrumental]
- The Bridge Is Over [Album Instrumental Version] [Instrumental][Version]
- The Bridge Is Over [*][Multimedia Track]