- Componentes:
Chad Istvan,
Darrell Hyde, Josh Latshaw, Matt Krupanski, Nathan Gray,Rob Avery, Robert Ehrenbrand
- Género: Hardcore , Emo , Rock
- Swingset
- Foundations To Burn
- Vehicle
- Resection
- Swingset
- Foundations To Burn
- Vehicle
- Resection
- In The Wilderness... No One Can Hear You Scream
- Endorsement
- Blame (Live At Eleven)
- Final Communiquè
- With Cold Eyes
- When Retoric Dies
- Walk Astray
- Voiceover
- Toy Gun Anthem
- Tomorrow Come Today (poem)
- The Power Remains The Same
- The Misery Index
- Social Register Fanclub
- So Long? And Thanks For The Crutches
- Rocketman
- Requiem