- Género: Hardcore
Goodnight, Quiet City
Teenage Rot
Nothing Is Alright
- Goodnight, Quiet City
- Teenage Rot
- Nothing Is Alright
- Ditchpig
- It Sleeps In Bliss
- Carcinoma
- Cult / Misleader
- Midnight Society
- Antimacy
- Slumlord
- Grimlove
- Asphyxia Fiend
- To The Moon And Back, Baby
- Third Times The Charm, Right?
- The Lovely Bones
- Teeth (The Machines We Are)
- Wrapped In Red
- So Deadly, Yet Beautiful
- The Bloodiest Of Valentines Days
- Painting Pictures With Knives & Gunshots
(2011) -
The Machines We Are
(2009) -
The Fanciful