- Componentes:
Corporate 09, Project JPO
- Género: Punk
- [Untitled]
- My Meds Aren't Working
- Number One Hypocrite
- Illusion Of Love
- [Untitled]
- My Meds Aren't Working
- Number One Hypocrite
- Illusion Of Love
- The Growing Minority
- Leaning With Intent To Fall
- Control All- Delete
- Now And Forever
- Diary Of A Battered Child
- Instrumental
- Taste Your Own Medicine
- Jarhead Fertilizer
- Anger Brought By Disease
- They Live
- Backstabber
- Socialized Death Sentence
- Self Defeating Prophecy
- Father's Gun
- Population Birth Control
- Sleep
(2008) -
The Aftermath...
(1999) -
Human = Garbage