- Dog Breath Variations
- Uncle Meat
- Outrage At Valdez
- Times Beach II
- III Revised
- The Girl In The Magnesium Dress
- Be-bop Tango
- Ruth Is Sleeping
- None Of The Above
- Pentagon Afternoon
- Questi Cazzi Di Piccione
- Times Beach III
- Food Gathering In Post-industrial America, 1992
- Welcome To The United States
- Pound For A Brown
- Exercise #4
- Get Whitey
- G-spot Tornado
Dog Breath Variations
Uncle Meat
Outrage At Valdez
Times Beach II
III Revised
The Girl In The Magnesium Dress
Be-bop Tango
Ruth Is Sleeping
None Of The Above
Pentagon Afternoon
Questi Cazzi Di Piccione
Times Beach III
Food Gathering In Post-industrial America, 1992
Welcome To The United States
Exercise #4
Get Whitey
El video del álbum The Yellow Shark
- Dog Breath Variations