Matters Of The Heart Lista de Canciones

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  1. Storybook / Love Makes The World Go 'Round
  2. A Cock-Eyed Optimist
  3. The Boy Next Door
  4. It's For You / A Wonderful Guy
  5. Where Love Resides
  6. Shattered Illusions
  7. Unexpressed
  8. Not A Day Goes By
  9. Playbill
  10. Air That I Breathe
  11. Sand And Water
  12. When The World Was Young / I Never Do Anything Twice
  13. I Regret Everything
  14. This Moment
  15. Real Emotional Girl
  16. My Father / Look Mummy, No Hands
  17. My Son
  18. Back To Before
  19. Hello, Young Lovers
  20. My Best To You