- Componentes:
Edgar Rivera,John "Wolf" Covington, John Perez,Kyle Steadham,Lyle Steadham, Robert Lowe (3), Steve Moseley
- Género: Metal
- Tomorrow's Dead
- Waiting For The Light
- Spiral Descent
- Empty Faith
- Tomorrow's Dead
- Waiting For The Light
- Spiral Descent
- Empty Faith
- Lament
- The Fall
- Insanity's Circles
- Mental Pictures
- Tomorrows Dead
- Embrace
- Essence Of Black
- Is There
- Burning
- Upon Within
- Sightless
- Blessed Be The Dead
- Scent Of Death
- Personal God
- A burning hate that grows As the one's released from within, within my sphere Tomorrow brings only plight Another day of nothing Praise be to the one, the one that gives Treasures, only a token of misguidance A lie only to be lead and to be fo
- Idis