- Componentes:
Bruce Hall
- Género: Metal
- Moosilauke Cascade
- Political Greed (Petrol Man)
- Lost My Way
- You Are My Life (Gypsy Mind)
- Moosilauke Cascade
- Political Greed (Petrol Man)
- Lost My Way
- You Are My Life (Gypsy Mind)
- Killing Machines
- Angels
- Leatherette
- Transfusion Vamp
- Beware
- Heavenly
- Oleander
- Anger Seething
- Phobia
- Locked Out
- The Chamber
- Burning Into Blackness
- Church Of Mind
- Soleares
- Escaped
- Tragic Flaws
(2004) -
Book Of The Dead
(2001) -