- Componentes:
Dave Suzuki, Glen Benton,
Joe Lewis (2),Kyle Severn, Tony Lazaro
- Género: Metal
- Disciples Of Hell
- In Infamy
- 'Till Death
- Shrapnel Embedded Flesh
- Disciples Of Hell
- In Infamy
- 'Till Death
- Shrapnel Embedded Flesh
- Hammer Down The Nails
- Reborn... The Upheaval Of Nihility
- Born To Rape The World
- Scorned
- Icons Of Evil
- Where Is Your God Now
- Entwined By Vengeance
- At War With God
- Rush Of Deliverance
- Unleashed Hell
- Savior To None... Failure For All
- Devoured Elysium
- Infidel
- Dechristianize
- Let The Killing Began
- Societe Des Luciferiens
Icons Of Evil
(2007) -
(2003) -
Dawn Of The Apocalypse